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Rodents are a big problem, but don't worry, we have a solution! Rodent Control in 1,2, 3

The rodents can’t help but feed on the bait, and when they return to their water source such as a stream, lake, puddle, or other natural water source, it’s lights out for them.

Rodents are a major problem for Long Island homeowners, and it’s important to take measures to prevent infestations. Rodents can cause major damage if left unchecked, and they’ll multiply quickly if your home is poorly protected. Rodents can chew through many materials and leave droppings and urine stains. Rodent bait station programs can help keep the population away from your home. 

Send Them Packing

One of the most effective ways to control rodents is to use rat bait. When they eat the bait, the rodent returns to their water source where the bait kicks back into action. The rodent doesn't make it back to their nest, so they die in that same spot.